Have you ever paid attention to which fluid is added to the laser chiller of the desktop laser cutter you use? Why do some laser chillers clog up with the tank scale after a few years of use, resulting in the laser water chiller not working properly? In severe cases, this can lead to tank accessories corrosion, tank fluid leakage, and many other problems. And some have been working very well for many years after use.
Do you know why this is?
Is the quality of the laser chiller not good enough, or is there another reason?
Next, let's explore it together!
Types of liquids added to laser chiller
Laser chiller corrosion is directly related to the fluid you add to the laser water chiller. We also have containers for storing liquids in our cars, such as glass water, so why have we never heard of corrosion in the containers?
This also shows that the fluid added affects the life of the container.
I will now list the most common types of fluids used in the laser chiller and explain their pros and cons.
Distilled water
Distilled water is distilled and condensed, and its electrical conductivity is so weak that we can almost ignore it. The distilled water is also impurities-free and cannot rust with the surrounding components.
Distilled water is recommended as a coolant in laser chillers. However, if the liquid evaporates and is reduced and needs to be refilled, you need to pour out all the distilled water and then fill it with fresh distilled water after cleaning it with new distilled water.
Purified water
Many laser cutter manufacturers ask customers to add purified water to the laser chiller to reduce costs. Purified water has more minerals than distilled water, making it more conductive. Over time, the minerals in pure water can accelerate the corrosion of the laser water chiller attachment.
Tap water

The calcium and magnesium minerals in tap water and chemicals accelerate the corrosion of tank accessories. Over time, limescale build-up can block the water pipes and cause the laser chiller to no longer work.

Antifreeze is an ideal fluid to add to the laser chiller. Its special composition allows for storing it in the water tank without replacement. It also has the advantage over distilled water: you can refill it when the fluid is reduced without removing the tank and emptying the entire contents.
It is also less likely to freeze as the temperature of the environment in which it is used drops. Ideal for people living in sub-zero conditions. At the same time, the antifreeze does not produce limescale that can block the water pipes or corrode the tank accessories.
How often the fluid in the Laser chiller is changed
The fluid change time in the Laser water chiller depends on the fluid type. If you are using mineral water, recommended to be changed once a week, and you should clean the entire tank thoroughly. If you use distilled water, I recommend changing the fluid once every 2-3 months. If you use antifreeze, you will never need to change the fluid. Just add more when it gets low.